
Love Concert

Love Concert is our way of caring for our community at home and around the world. We support people with special needs, such as homeless people, orphans, and refugees. We also connect with small, immigrant communities. During our concerts, attendees enjoy the music we share, and they have the opportunity to learn about the organizations that we collaborate with and support. We also invite the attendees to donate to the charities, projects, and organizations that we are supporting.

Peace Concert

This peace concert is to celebrate the UN International Day of Peace and to send out a message to inspire and unite people through the medium of classical music

Agape Recital

In this program, we deliver the beauty of live classical music to people in emotional and physical pain, and to others who cannot easily venture out of hospitals, retirement homes, nursing homes, and children’s shelters. Musicians and singers of all ages and artistic skills are invited to participate in Agape Recitals.

Musical Meditation

Classical Music For the World’s Musical Meditation program presents an artistic level of music performances that facilitate healing and inspiration. With this purpose in mind, we rely on distinguished local and international musicians to perform and manage the program activities. We welcome all attendees, especially families with young children and others who can’t easily take time to experience the beauty of fine art through live classical music performances. Receptions follow the Musical Meditation program to enable audience members and the musicians to mingle with each other. These unstructured interactions bring people closer together and allow them to discuss various topics, including how beautiful music can provide them joy and enhance their lives.

Music in Life

Classical Music For the World’s Music in Life is a lively, interactive, open discussion of how life is reflected in musical compositions while live music performances and stories are shared by the guest musicians. When our emotions tell us that we need to shout out our troubled feelings, we can find these intense expressions in music that speak for us. When we are sad and seek comfort, we can find music that soothes our troubled souls. We can also use music to reflect our joys, triumphs, and happiness as we figuratively march in step to its triumphant rhythms. In short, life can be found in music, and music is reflected in life. In this program, attendees will discuss these topics and how we can merge these comparable mediums of music and life.

Discussions can span such topics as nature, humanity, history, art, philosophy, religion, culture, science, technology, current issues, the future, and beyond. Attendees have opportunities to express their thoughts and present questions to guest musicians. The program can also include guest speakers, film screenings, and exhibitions.

Young Artists’ Concert 

Classical Music For the World supports young talented musicians by arranging and promoting their music performances for public audiences. We work with young musicians from all around the world who are selected by their levels of musicality, musicianship, and community service.

Young Music Ambassadors

CMFW Young Music Ambassadors serve the community by sharing their love of music and musical talents. Their volunteer work allows them to appreciate the joy and purpose of music and understand how musicians and their musical performances can enrich the lives of others.


Classical Music For the World’s Orchestra program is an opportunity for musicians of all ages to get together and make musical harmony. We welcome young, adult, amateur, and professional musicians to join us!

Chamber Music Class

Classical Music For the World offers affordable chamber music classes. Musicians play together in small ensembles such as trios, quartets, and quintets. The class provides a valuable experience for learning music, building friendships, and creating harmony with peer musicians and coaches.

Master Class Series

Classical Music For the World offers free and open-to-the-public master classes led by local and international distinguished guest musicians. Classes are open both to chamber music groups and soloists. Each session includes time for questions and answers with the masters.

International Music Exchange

Through the International Music Exchange program, we build friendships and bridge the gap between different countries and cultures through musical performances and field trips. As the program participants unite and spread their talents to various countries, they become musical ambassadors to the world.