Texas State Capitol Building (Rotunda, 1st floor)
Interview at the KUTX Eklektikos hosted by John Aielli

Marcin Hałat (violin) and Michał Korzistka (piano)
Thank you Krzysztof Kwiatkowski for making
these recordings from the concert!
Francesco, thank you for bringing Bach to us!
The concerts were unforgettable – both the performances and the stories!
Enjoy listening to Francesco Mastromatteo sharing his passion for Bach’s music on the radio in Austin:
Interview at the KMFA hosted by Chris Johnson

Francesco Mastromatteo
Interview at KUTX hosted by John Aielli
Thank you for attending our Love Concert!
We invite you to watch a VIDEO INTERVIEW with Ms. Rehema Apio (center), the founder of the organization that benefits from our Love Concert, and with Ms. Younnie Hur (left), the founder of the CMFW, conducted by Dr. Evelyn Jagpat (right.)
Also, please listen to the conversation that took place at the radio station KOOP 91.7 on February 20 during the Austin Art Show and Reflections of Community Outreach moderated by Quinten Rhea – tune in here!